Start-up Investment
- New ventures are constantly born to grow to another Supercell, facebook or google.
- Business opportunities are greater than anytime of the history.
- ACE have invested in European gaming and tech related companies.
- ACE and partners also help you to invest in right start-up companies.
Networking and Consulting
- ACE has ample experience and network in game industry that will help your business
- GSTAR is one of the largest Game Exhibition in the World
- It is gate way to Asian/Korean game industry
- ACE represents GSTAR in Europe

Games and New Techs for Marketing
There are many state-of-the-art technologies those can be utilized for marketing. New audience is only reachable with new media. Interaction with the audience is the key for the marketing success. The cost-performance ratio is more effective than traditional advertising or marketing. ACE consults you to reach your marketing goal with technologies such as;- Interactive Screen
- Mobile apps
- Mobile games
- Social Media
- QR Code
- eSport has grown to a big tide of the future.
- eSport is enjoyed by most of the youth around the world.
- Current esport event TV coverage has more viewership than NBA final.
- ACE is supporting International eSport Fenderation (IeSF) and German eSport Association.
Advanced Cyber Entertainment GmbHMegenthalerallee 77
65760 Eschborn
Tel: +49 6196 64081-00
Fax: +49 6196 64081-99
Email: info@ac-entertainment.com
Website: www.ac-entertainment.com
CEO: Don S. Kim
District Court Frankfurt a. M HRB 94745
VAT ID: DE 235178092